Easter is here and we focus most of our time doing devotions, crafts and other projects based on the resurrection of Jesus leading up to Easter Sunday. There are a few other fun things that we do as well and one of them is to color eggs. It is fun to watch the kids as they are completely enveloped in changing eggs different colors! This year we skipped buying the kit and decided to try to dye eggs with food coloring. It was so successful that we will never buy a kit again!
You can find the recipe below. Enjoy the pictures!
Daddy packed up the Colored Eggs and we turned around and
there was Lil Bro back on top of the table re-coloring the eggs as fast as he could!
Big Sis is pretending she is Ramona as she shows us the proper way to crack an egg!
You can find the following recipe HERE!
How to Dye Easter Eggs
Five simple steps for adding a coat of color to those hard-boiled eggs.
What You Need
- Hard-boiled eggs
- Paper towel or newspaper
- Bowl or cup deep enough to completely submerge an egg
- Tongs, egg dipper, or slotted spoon
- 1/2 cup boiling water
- 1 teaspoon white vinegar
- Liquid food coloring (about 20 drops per color)
1. Start with cool hard-boiled eggs.
2. Protect your surface by covering with a sheet of newspaper or paper towel.
3. Fill container with the mixture of water, vinegar, and food coloring.
4. Place egg on spoon and dunk, turning occasionally so both sides get color. Keep in liquid for up to 5 minutes, leave in longer for a darker hue.
5. Carefully remove the egg and set aside to dry.
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