
Monday, December 10, 2012

Project of the Week ~ Acorn Fun!

Rainbow Acorns

When you have a million acorns that the kids have collected....you start to wonder what you can do with them besides sweeping them up in the vacuum cleaner all day long!
Here is a fun and EASY project that all ages can participate in!
Gather Acorns.

Pop the tops off and discard the body of the acorn.

Color the inside of the tops with vibrant washable markers.

Fill with Elmer's Glue.

Set in a bowl of rice or beans.

Let dry for 3 days. You will see the colors bleed over the few drying days.  We had to check on them about a million times a day.  Let's just say that with little people that like to keep checking on them a very high and safe place is needed to keep them safe!

Use as a fall decoration or work on preschool topics such as matching, colors, sorting, counting, color mixing, etc!

I found this on Pinterest but since then the original post has disappeared into cyberspace.

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