
Friday, June 29, 2012

Camping and A New Baby

Hi Everyone,
It is me, Middle Sis!  Sorry I haven't written in a long time.  We have been super busy and also gone a lot!  This week we went camping in Grandma and Grandpa's camper!   It took us a long time to get there but we had our markers, clipboards, and Pillow Pets to keep us company on our trip!
Here is Lil Bro being funny with his sunglasses!
 We camped by Uncle Dave and Aunt Melissa's house.  We did that so we could meet our new little cousin and still let them have some peace and quiet!  He is so cute!
 He love playing with our cousin Zoe! 
We ate Mickey Mouse shaped Krispie Treats in the back yard on a 102 degree day.  
Yep, it really was that hot! 

 Here is Lil Sis and Lil Bro checking out Baby Zachary. 

 Grandma got to hold him too!  We all wish that we lived closer.
 We spent lots of time swimming at the campground!  
Zoe's other cousin Baby Noah came to swim too!
He's pretty cute too!
 Big Sis and I got to hold the baby a lot! I kept wanting and wanting to hold him!

 I could hold him forever!

 Zoe was giving Mommy's cousin Will a puppet show with Ariel.  
She is pretty good at puppet shows!
 Lil Sis loved holding "IT".  Mommy kept telling her it 
was baby Zachary but she kept calling him "IT"!
 We did LOTS of princess makeovers. ...and we even cleaned up our messes!

 We played family match game.  The only problem was that this was made when Grandma and Grandpa only had 2 Grandkids and now they have 9!  Grandma needs to add more cards!
 Here is our last meal in the camper!  It was a hot week but it was super fun!  
Welcome to the world Baby Zachary!  It was so nice to meet you!  

Love, Middle Sis

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