
Monday, January 30, 2012

Travel - A visit to the White house

We have seen television series and movies that have taken place in the White house 
over the past many years, but have never made the trip to see it in person.  
We got the chance when we visited my Sister's family. 
Here is a shot of the back of the White house.  We were a bit disappointed because you couldn't get very close and there was a lot of construction going on.
 It was pretty cold that day, but it was mid December so no complaints here.  

 Here is the National Christmas Tree.  We had seen it in the past and it was huge.  When we arrived we couldn't believe how small it was.  I guess there was a big storm this year that broke the Original Tree so they replaced it with a small live tree.  The tree at The Toledo Zoo is much bigger and impressive, but in about 40 years this tree should be very nice!  You can check it out here!
 We loved the trains!

 As the train circled the tree people would flip coins and try to get it in the caboose.  
The joke was that if you got it in you wouldn't have to pay your taxes ever again!  
Big Sis flipped her coin and guess what....It went in!  Great Job Big Sis!!!

 We found Jesus at the White house!

 Here is the tree that represents the State of Ohio.  
It was neat to walk around and see the trees that represented each state!  
 A couple days later we parked and walked to the front of the White house.  It was a beautiful day in the 60's!  No coats needed!  We met a few friends that were playing at the White house!  

 Polly...Pip Squeeker...Sammy...Matty...Benny...is that you?  
Did you follow us here all the way from Grandma's house?
 He just stole a bite from Big Sis's graham cracker!
Oh no...."Nate grab her, here comes a guard!"  
Phew, the guard was going to talk to a man on a bike with a backpack.  We're safe!

 "Buddy....Let Go... LET GO....c'mon buddy, You have to let go!"Lil Sis
 It took all of Daddy's strength to get Lil Bro to let go!
 After all of the playing, posing, and dancing in front of the white house, we were on our way home.

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