
Monday, August 29, 2011

Glimpse Into Motherhood: Week of 8/21/11 - 8/28/11

Big Sis is off to second grade!  She gets her own locker!

Ready to work!
All her school supplies are ready to go!
The fab four!
Meet Mrs. Diehl....Big Sis came home everyday from school
 and told us how "AWESOME" her teacher is!
Favorite part....her locker!  Well, that was just 1 of her favorite parts!
Now that orientation is over, on to her actual first day!

Waiting for the bus!
Middle Sis, trying not to cry!


And, she's off!

Woohoo!  She made it through day 1....All smiles!
Day 2...

Tonight is Bis Sis's mini-majorette program!  She went to a 3 day camp over the summer and they get to perform on Band Night!  Daddy called 20 minutes before we left and said that his truck died on the other side of Cleveland and he wouldn't make it for Big Sis's show.  Well, we haven't seen him in a few days because of work and this news put everyone in a major tail spin.  Big Sis cried all the way there.  She was strong for the show and then the tears started after she finished and sat with me in the stands.  Momma knows a temporary fix for that....Let's go and get ICE CREAM!

Big Sis is front row center, 1st person to the left of the big majorette in the middle

Here are a few last random shots from our week!

Spaghetti Love!

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