
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sending Off the Mains

This weekend was the big send off for my sister and her crew as they have moved on to their next destination in their life's journey.  We have been blessed to have them close by for almost 7 years.  Mom, Dad, Dave, Melissa, Zoe, the Mains, Berry's, Pap and Nancy all made it for a very fun send off.  Almost everyone crashed at our house for a few days!  We had so much fun! Here are pictures from their send off!

Cotton Candy!!!!
Aunt Melissa showing us how it's done! How Fun!!
Slumber party and Movie nights!
Making Duct Tape wallets, purses, and lots of other cute stuff!
Donuts from Uncle Brian!
Smoothies by Aunt Bethie
More Donuts!
Joe....What a cutie!  (sorry Joe...but you are a cutie!)
Get out of Megan's way!
Fun in the Pool!
Ella and Zoe!
Landon and Joe!  Boy Cousins!
"Joey is my hero...sorry, I try to beat you up every time I see you!" Love, Landon

We are all here!!!!
Pap, Nancy and the Mains!

A few final Goodbyes...

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